As human beings, we are blessed with the ability to not only
appreciate the beauty of a well constructed home, building, car, watch etc.,
but to also admire the creator of such fine work.
When it comes to considering arguments for and against
evolution, I think at times we try to overcomplicate things. We get bogged down
and easily intimidated by the rhetoric, spin and intellectual presentation made
by folks with DR and PHD after their names.
We often hear that if science cannot prove it, it’s not truth. Is
that actually true though? Science deals in the natural realm only. It doesn’t
allow room for the supernatural. Science
is limited by man’s ability to interpret
what can only be observed, tested and repeated. Science cannot prove that science is the
only way to know truth.
If I use science’s own standards of measuring truth then the
process of evolution cannot explain nor prove the following questions:
1). How did life begin?
2). Where did our ability to experience emotions come from?
3). Where did our sense of right and wrong (morality) come
4). How come there is no fossil record showing one specie
evolving into another specie?
5). Why do unnatural phenomenon’s still occur.
Unless these questions
can be “scientifically” proven, then evolution is nothing more than a theory.
It’s a theory that I find takes far more
faith to believe than it does for me to admire the creator of such fine work.
In the beginning God created the heavens
and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
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