Saturday, July 2, 2011

Behind the scenes

Have you ever watched a construction project from start to finish? In the beginning there is a lot of activity. From the dirt being moved, to the foundation being laid, the framing going up, the walls, the windows, the doors etc. All the stuff you can see going on. Then there is a period of time where you don't see the activity because the work going on has moved inside. It may appear that not much is going but in reality much is happening. That's the way it's been in my life the past 6 months.

I had a successful hip replacement surgery in February complete with a temporary filter being placed in my vena cava vein before surgery and then being removed afterwards due to blood clot concerns. Our daughter was in the hospital for 26 days in the month of April with Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome (SMA). This is a disease that effects her ability to eat sufficient amounts of food. Our son grew & matured leaps and bounds in school and on the soccer pitch. I completed my first year in my new line of work.

You might be asking what this has to do construction? Well, through these events and other "life stuff", I have become a stronger & wiser person. I have been humbled. I have learned that faith, focus, commitment, & consistency are key drivers to being successful. I have become less anxious and more content (Phil 4:6). I listen more and talk less. I've tried to become more patient. I have become a better husband, father, son, brother, and friend. I believe my life exhibits more of the "fruits of the spirit" (Gal 5:22) and less of the "world". I have discovered that my passion in life is the study and application of Apolgetics and in serving God. I depend more on God and less on myself.

God has used the events and other "life stuff" in my life to transform my heart. He has been working "behind the scenes" to make me useful and functional for His purposes. You see, though something may look complete on the outside it must be complete on the inside to be functional and useful. Will you consider allowing God to work "behind the scenes" in your life?


1 comment:

  1. Brian,

    Wow, thanks for reminding us of the work of God in our lives, and also making an excellent analogy with the construction world!
